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There's no question about it, John:

Mitch McConnell is messing with Montana’s politics so he can retake power and land the top job in the Senate next year.

He handpicked a multimillionaire out-of-stater to run against Jon. He’s personally said that Jon is a top target. And his wealthy backers are already dropping money into Montana to defeat Jon.

His plan to take back the Senate gavel is already in motion, and that has turned our race into the biggest and most important Senate election in the country.

The bottom line is that McConnell wants a yes-man that’s only beholden to him, not Montanans.

But Jon is no stranger to a tough fight, and he wins by building a grassroots campaign from the ground up, supported by tens of thousands of people chipping in what they can.

We need your help, John. We’re falling dangerously behind on our fundraising goals, and that could impact our ability to respond to McConnell’s attacks.

So we need 256 more supporters to add a donation by 11:59PM tonight to close our budget gap. Will you donate $10 or more right now to help us meet our daily fundraising goal and build the grassroots momentum we need to defend Jon and keep him in the Senate?

Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue.

We appreciate anything you can chip in today.

—Team Tester



As a third-generation Montanan and the U.S. Senate’s only working dirt farmer, Jon Tester is committed to protecting the Montana way of life.

In the Senate, Jon takes his cues from the rural communities, veterans, and working families that elected him—not special interests or super PACs.

That’s why we’re counting on you to help reelect Jon and keep him fighting for rural communities in the Senate. Click here to chip in and fuel our grassroots campaign >>