Help America First candidates WIN BIG.

John, I need your help.

In critical congressional races across the country, America First Republican candidates are being outspent by far-Left radicals with a direct line to the DCCC’s record-breaking war chest.

I created E-PAC to help level the playing field.

But as things stand, we’re just over $45,000 short of our end-of-year fundraising goal.

As we enter the election year, the attacks and vicious smears from the Democrats and their mainstream media allies will only escalate.

That’s why it’s absolutely essential that we CRUSH this goal and ensure we enter 2024 with the funds we need to not just protect, but EXPAND our conservative House majority.

Everything is on the line in 2024, John.

Now more than ever, I need YOU to come through and help us defeat the Democrats’ far-Left candidates and their disastrous socialist agenda they’d bring to Congress.

Please make a contribution to help E-PAC CRUSH our end-of-year goal so we have the funds we need to help America First Republicans win key races across the country.






Thank you,

Rep. Elise Stefanik
House Republican Conference Chair

Paid for by Team Elise, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Elise for Congress and E-PAC.

PO Box 500 Glens Falls, NY 12801

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