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Hi John,

Right now, the gas industry is trying to get the Biden administration’s approval on a massive natural gas export project in Louisiana called ‘CP2.’ It would poison communities and be a disaster for the climate: experts say it’s the equivalent of building 52 new coal-fired power plants. 

Biden is expected to make his decision in the coming weeks. Send a message to Biden and the Department of Energy today to demand they reject CP2 and declare a climate emergency that bans all fossil fuel export projects.

CP2 is a test for President Biden: does he stand with our generation or with oil and gas companies that are wrecking our climate and poisoning our communities?

The last time Biden faced a test like this one, he failed. Miserably. His approval of the Willow Project was a huge betrayal of his promises to fight climate change. 

When Biden approved Willow, he faced a massive backlash from young people. Videos criticizing the decision went viral on social media and there have been dozens of news articles like this one from the New York Times ringing the alarm bells for Biden. If he wants a shot at the youth vote, he can’t make another mistake like Willow.

Headline from NYT Poll of Young Voters Biden Oil Drilling

This time, it’s clear Biden is feeling the heat. Projects like CP2 usually get approved quietly and quickly. This time, the Biden administration keeps delaying a decision. It’s clear they are feeling the heat from the press and social media attention and the nearly 500,000 people that have petitioned them.

We need your help to deal a death blow to this project. Sunrise is working with our partners to try to have half a million people demand Biden reject CP2 before the end of the year. Can you help us get there by signing on today? 

Let’s kill this project,