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2023 was a huge year for the Resource Generation community. Before the end of the year, we’re highlighting perspectives from the four subsets of our organizing team. Today’s highlight is from our Programming & Political Education staff: Ekundayo, Julianne, keithlee, Sahana, & Valeriya! Consider this email series a 2023 annual report teaser trailer ;) While this perspective is from staff, RG is a membership organization, which means that every single one of our 1100+ members (INCLUDING YOU!) belonging to and building this work is central to our efforts to end wealth hoarding, return stolen land and privatized resources, and interrupt intergenerational lies about money!
Down with that? Then recommit to this collective organizing project by renewing your RG dues or making an additional 2023 membership dues contribution at 10% of your overall giving by the end of this week [[link removed]] ! RG’s budget is 95% member-funded because that is the politically principled and strategic way to resource our cross-class, multiracial, multigenerational staff team of 23 people. When our membership base of 1,100 individuals sustains RG’s mission, vision, and day-to-day organizing, we are extremely powerful.
Q: What are your wins?? What’re you celebrating about your organizing work this year?
A: Internationalism Summer School, Transforming Philanthropy, and Making Money Make Change all happened!
Q: K let’s take ‘em one at a time. Talk about Internationalism Summer School!
A : ISS had over 100 registrants and six powerful sessions with movement leaders. We were honored to host organizations including Hawai'i People's Fund, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, Dissenters, Thousand Currents, Black Alliance for Peace, and several more. We had a cross-class audience, and it was our first time running this program. The speakers beautifully called us into action, especially those of us with access to wealth and class privilege. One of our speakers shared, "Shift your practices! Move more and better money!! Crisis moment to be moving money. ADD ZEROS! Be BOLD and COURAGEOUS! Tackle your endowments! Where is your money invested?"
Q: 👏👏👏 What about Transforming Philanthropy? Share about that.
A: RG's Transforming Philanthropy virtual series had over 300 registrants from across RG's membership and the philanthropic and social justice spaces, 60-80+ participants at each of the four sessions, and over 11 movement and social justice philanthropy organizations represented on our panels.
One participant shared, "I loved the 'Transforming Philanthropy 2023' virtual series. You guys rocked it! Great talks, tons of insights, and so much learning packed into one series - hats off to you! The diverse viewpoints brought to the table were refreshing. Major props to your team and all the brilliant panelists...Keep up the amazing work, and here's to more transformative conversations!”
Q: Beautiful. The year’s major programming wrapped with Making Money Make Change. What was that like?
A: Making Money Make Change 2023 was transformational for many across the RG community. This was our first in-person MMMC after 4 years. It reminded us all of the power of being in person, building genuine and authentic relationships, learning together, being silly together, and of course, putting on the world's most chaotic and amazing talent show together.
A: Technically, it was a “no-talent show,” and it was open mic style. It was facilitated by two Eli’s! It was candlelit and super cozy and had everyone in stitches. People really embodied what Chuck Collins said on an earlier panel about the anarchist notion of being good hosts after only being in a space for 5 minutes, and it feels like the membership culture that’s been so diffuse due to remote organizing these past few pandemic years is vibrant again. The talent show made us proud of our work and grateful for alumni members and former staff who set a tone years ago of warmth/hospitality AND agitation that continues to feel both alive and strategic.
Q: Cute, cute. But did MMMC move any $$$???
A: Yes! Making Money Make Change participants committed to move ~$100K to Palestine solidarity through Grassroots International [[link removed]] , and nearly 2.5M to movements in 2023. [[link removed]]
According to pre and post event surveys, a significant percentage of attendees felt that they gained the knowledge and skills to take action to leverage their privilege for the equitable redistribution of wealth, land, and power, learned how to use social justice philanthropy principles to inform their giving, and grew more confident in how their personal stories as young people with access to wealth can be leveraged in campaigns.
Q: Amazing. What about you? How have you changed as an organizer this year? What have you personally learned? Give us the juicy details.
A: I am grateful for how my work with members shifts my own perspective on family organizing, redistribution planning, and leaning into the discomfort that comes with emotional growth and building resilience. Seeing members embody care and strategy as they approach organizing their families has reminded me that I can and must do the same.
Q: Wow, rad, cool, wonderful. How can I support RG rn??
A : Continue to powerfully move this work forward! Pay membership dues at 10% of your overall giving, [[link removed]] or with make an additional year-end contribution [[link removed]] !
We encourage you to consider joining RG as a dues paying member [[link removed]] , and if you would like to get involved in your local chapter, please fill out this intake form [[link removed]] !
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Resource Generation
1216 Broadway
New York, NY 10001
United States
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