
IDP Newsletter: Resource Update!

This week, IDP launched three public service announcements to help ensure people harmed by the war on drugs get information about the groundbreaking federal court case this year that opened pathways to relief.

The English-language video features IDP’s very own Lili Agudo! Please share these videos widely to help ensure as many people as possible can benefit from new avenues for relief after a New York drug conviction. (Click this link to share on twitter automatically!)

Have you seen all our Minter resources?

Resources for Advocates

Written Resources for Community Members

We need your help…

At IDP, we're committed to providing top-notch legal representation to immigrants, regardless of their financial situation. We're able to offer our resources and expertise for free thanks to the generosity of our community of supporters. Donations allow us to  provide valuable practice tools and community resources, which will be crucial in helping families stay together in the years to come.

There are 10 days left in our fundraising campaign. A generous donor has pledged $125,000 if we can meet our donation goal, and we’re half way there! Your support can help ensure that we're able to continue offering high-quality legal services and resources so that immigrants receive the representation and support they deserve. Please consider donating today.
