Dear John,
As we approach the end of the year, MPAC’s Washington D.C. Policy Bureau is looking ahead to our goals for the upcoming year and beyond. Thanks to supporters like you, we have been able to ensure that Congress and the White House are aware of where our communities stand on the most pressing issues, including the ongoing struggle for Palestinian human rights and the current attacks on Gaza. Additionally, we have successfully represented the American Muslim narrative surrounding global crises and their domestic impact, shedding light on their true complexities while promoting a more nuanced understanding.
The MPAC Policy Bureau’s work is more important than ever. Donate now and help us reach our year-end fundraising goal.
Here are just a few highlights from 2023:
- Met with over 100 members of Congress, advocating for Rashida Tlaib's Ceasefire Resolution.
- Launched MPAC’s Conversations on Capitol Hill speaker series, hosting congressional staff and thought leaders for discussions on U.S. National Security and Muslims, as well as India and the Oppression of Religious Minorities.
- Hosted Navigating Between Free Speech and Hate – a forum highlighting social media regulation and the implications of Section 230.
- Lobbied Congress and the White House on Palestine, India, and Afghanistan.
Despite the struggles facing many Muslims around the globe, we are making slow, steady progress towards a more just world. Together, we will continue to champion fair policies within the halls of Congress and expand our efforts to serve the best interests of our community through innovative initiatives and opportunities to engage with government leaders.
Our 2024 agenda is filled with critical items for our community. Here are some of the most pressing:
- National American-Muslim Policy Conference in Washington, hosted alongside partner organizations to share our community's policy priorities in a critical election year.
- The establishment of the White House Strategy to Combat Islamophobia presents a unique opportunity to counter the Islamophobia industry and work to share real, authentic portrayals of Islam.
- Continued advocacy in Washington against anti-Muslim animus at home and a foreign policy agenda that continually devalues Muslim lives.
- Continued education and information initiatives in Washington and across the country, like our Conversations on Capitol Hill and Democracy Forum event series, which are crucial for sharing American Muslim perspectives on democracy, human rights, and policy with lawmakers and the general public.
We have much to build on from 2023 and a lot to accomplish in 2024, but we cannot do it without community support. Donate now to fuel our work in 2024.
As we embark on this mission, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your support throughout this year and for your continued investment in creating a more prosperous future for all of us. Looking forward, we are immensely proud of our policy team and filled with hope for the possibilities that lie ahead.
Your belief in MPAC’s values is what propels us forward, and we are truly grateful for your partnership.
Wishing you a prosperous new year.
Niala Mohammad,
Director of Policy and Strategy

Mohammad Ali,
Director of Government Relations
