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John, did you know that Jon Tester is ranked as one of the most effective legislators in Congress?

Jon’s the only elected official this Congress to have multiple bills signed into law. It’s a remarkable achievement, but we can’t say we’re surprised. It’s who he is:

  1. Jon will stand up to anyone to defend Montana. His top priority will always be to deliver on the issues that matter to the people of Montana—no matter what.

  2. As the Senate’s only working dirt farmer, Jon knows how to show up for rural America. He understands the unique challenges facing these communities because he’s lived them firsthand. 🤙

  3. He’s not beholden to any special interests. Jon is a third-generation Montanan who wants to defend Montana’s way of life, and he takes his cues from Montanans—not billionaire donors.

  4. Jon depends on grassroots donations to power his campaign. That means he’s only accountable to you.

But wealthy outsiders are trying to buy Montana’s Senate seat, and they’ll use their millions to attack Jon and distort his record. We can’t let that happen.

John, can you chip in $4 toward our fight to reelect Jon? Your contribution will help us ensure we have the resources to win and continue our fight in Washington.

Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue.

Your support goes a long way in a grassroots campaign, John.

Thank you,

Team Tester




As a third-generation Montanan and the U.S. Senate’s only working dirt farmer, Jon Tester is committed to protecting the Montana way of life.

In the Senate, Jon takes his cues from the rural communities, veterans, and working families that elected him—not special interests or super PACs.

That’s why we’re counting on you to help reelect Jon and keep him fighting for rural communities in the Senate. Click here to chip in and fuel our grassroots campaign >>