Hi John,

“The 12 Days of Christmas” seems like a silly Christmas carol. When you think about it, what does eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying … really mean?

In the spirit of “The 12 Days of Christmas,” I would like to share with you 12 reasons I am thankful this season. And no, I don’t have five golden rings, four calling birds, or three French hens for you, but I do have 12 Significant Reasons Why I’m Thankful for You This Christmas.

As a steadfast prayer warrior and financial supporter, you are ensuring that:      
       1. Life is valued and sacred in our culture.

       2. The next child is saved from abortion.

       3. Moms see abortion as unnecessary.

       4. Families are restored to wholeness.

       5. Women are set free with the truth and overcome the lies of the abortion industry.

       6. Defenseless children in the womb are protected.

       7. Future generations get to live and experience life and the joys of Christmas..

       8. Moms are empowered with hope.

       9. Churches are equipped to become the greatest pro-life advocates in America.

      10. More moms are spared the regret of having an abortion.

      11. Abortion becomes unthinkable and finally ends.

      12. God is glorified through it all

This Christmas season, I hope you’ll be encouraged by the depth of your lifesaving impact — you are awesome! And you are what makes each of the outcomes above possible. So, thank you for your ongoing commitment to saving babies from abortion.  

But we’re still losing thousands of children to abortion every day in America. So, if you haven’t had a chance to give, I hope you’ll consider a financial gift today. You can write the next chapter for the next mom and child. Will you give a special gift this Christmas to save the next baby and their mom from an abortion? www.HumanCoalition.org/2023

A $782,500 Challenge Grant has already been provided by a couple of other donors to inspire your generosity. This means your gift, combined with the grant, will help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact if received by 12/31.  

Wishing you a very merry Christmas! 

Jeff Bradford 

P.S. — It only takes $26 to reach the next mom seeking an abortion with hope through our national contact center. Will you give the next mom the hope she needs to choose life today? Will you write the next chapter for her so her child can live? www.HumanCoalition.org/eoy-2023  
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