Joaquin has been tirelessly calling attention to the civil rights violation that is Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star.

Abbott is encouraging inhumane treatment of migrants at the border — putting thousands of lives of children and families at risk to use them as political pawns.

Will you chip in $10 now to help Joaquin call attention to what’s happening in our state and put an end to it?
Original Message from Joaquin:

Governor Abbott’s Operation Lone Star continues to go unchecked — that’s why I joined my fellow Texas Representatives to demand accountability from the Deptartment of Justice (DOJ).

The DOJ did (finally!) order the state to remove their deadly drowning devices from the Rio Grande, BUT there has been no actions taken to ensure Greg Abbott’s xenophobia stops there.

There are lives at stake at our border right now and the Justice Department MUST take action to prevent future deaths — add your name to my petition if you agree.

Governor Abbott continues to commit atrocities by pushing his state bill allowing local law enforcement to racially profile anyone they THINK is undocumented.

We are witnessing a dangerous civil rights violation in real time — we cannot stop calling on the justice department to step in and take serious action.

The lives of families and children are at stake — I will not stand for it. Sign on now to join me in demanding federal intervention at the Texas border NOW >>>
Thank you for all your support,


Castro for Congress
P.O. Box 544
San Antonio, TX, 78292
United States

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