Plan, plant, nurture, harvest. Repeat.
If you’ve ever planted a garden, you know each of these four steps matters for it to truly flourish. You know the time, resources, and patience it takes to help every seed grow and thrive.
This is what it takes to make lasting change alongside families in 40+ countries across the globe. Every day, Mercy Corps’ teams partner with local communities to cultivate the skills, tools, and bold ideas that help grow a future where everyone can flourish.
Today, we launch our Year-End Matching Gift Challenge to help power this work in communities recovering and rebuilding from crises. A group of generous donors has given $142,000 to our Matching Gift Challenge Fund to encourage our community of supporters to match their gifts. Will you make a tax-deductible matching donation today so together you will help Mercy Corps’ life-changing work go TWICE as far in places like Ukraine, Syria, and 40+ countries in the year ahead?
Whether it is rushing to deliver urgent aid in Ukraine or scaling innovative livelihood support in Kenya, we’ve helped lasting change take root in communities around the world. Here’s how:
Plan & prepare — Mercy Corps quickly responds to communities in need and delivers critical resources. Last year, when full-scale war broke out in Ukraine, Mercy Corps was on the ground within days to assess urgent needs and begin delivering supplies. Since then, we’ve reached more than 1.2 million people affected by the war. Give now ▸ |
Plant the seeds — Our teams partner with communities to develop sustainable solutions and build resilience. In Kenya, where extreme weather has pushed an estimated 4.4 million people into hunger, Mercy Corps is training mothers, like Margaret above, to plant gardens that can endure harsh weather conditions and produce food for their families. Give now ▸ |
Nurture & protect — Mercy Corps makes long-term commitments to communities in need. We have been working in Syria since 2008 including rehabilitating water infrastructure damaged by conflict. When a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck the region in February, we helped repair further damage to water systems and ensure the communities we serve continued to have access to clean water. Give now ▸ |
Harvest & scale — We innovate and scale up impact. Cash assistance is critical for families whose livelihoods have been impacted by unpredictable weather in the Horn of Africa — however, it’s far more effective if delivered before disaster strikes. Mercy Corps and our partners launched a pilot in Kenya that uses smart technology to deliver cash to farmers in stressful conditions. Give now ▸ |
Communities across the globe — especially those that have been historically marginalized — continue to be strained by crises that wither progress and stability. Yet, over time, with the right resources, tools, and bold ideas, they can build a more vibrant future.
You’re an essential part of building a future where everyone can flourish. Together, we can plant the seeds of lasting change today. Don’t wait — make your one-time one-time tax-deductible, year-end gift now ▸
In partnership,
The Mercy Corps team
P.S. We know you’re hearing a lot from us these days. The reason is simple: Every dollar we raise right now helps the people we work with protect their families and improve their lives. If you’ve already made your gift (thank you!) or would rather not get our year-end emails, click here to pause email until January.