The weather outside is frightful, but "Awkward Conversations" continues to be delightful.
On the latest episode of the series, a collaboration between the DEA and?the Elks Drug Awareness Program, hosts Jodie Sweetin and Amy McCarthy tackle the urgent and sobering topic of safeguarding children from online drug dangers. Ed Ternan, a devoted father who tragically lost his 22-year-old son, Charlie, to a fake prescription pill, joins the conversation to share his heart-wrenching story. Ed's account highlights the alarming ease with which pills and drugs can be accessed online and sheds light on the accessibility of counterfeit drugs in the digital age.
CampusDrugPrevention.gov?is a United States Government,?Drug?Enforcement Administration (DEA) website. The inclusion of a link on this website does not constitute an official endorsement, guarantee, or approval by DEA.