Help Stop the Naughty List!

An image showing pollution from smokestacks. In front of the image is text that says We made a naughty list and checked it twice. A Santa Claus is holding a piece of paper titled Naughty List that has the names of six corporations on it.


We made a list. We checked it twice. And you don’t want to be on it. It’s a naughty list of the worst polluters. 

Our naughty list includes companies harming communities and being bad corporate citizens. Some examples:

  • Spilling cyanide-laced wastewater into Argentinean rivers and forcing communities off their land to expand mines in the Dominican Republic. That’s Barrick Gold.
  • Poisoning air and water while fracking next to daycare centers. That’s TotalEnergies.
  • Dumping hundreds of millions of tons of toxic waste into a bay off Indonesia, wrecking coral reefs and ruining fisheries. That’s Newmont Mining. Oh, they also harass local residents who speak up about the poisoning.

We could suggest sending them a lump of coal, but they'd probably like it. Instead, Earthworks is working to deliver a 2024 full of community-led opposition to ensure they don't get away with dumping waste and poison into our air and water.

Take on the NAUGHTY LIST of the worst polluters with a year-end donation now so Earthworks can immediately get to work to fight these corporations who are literally destroying our planet.

As I write this, one member of the naughty list, Barrick Gold, is campaigning against a bill in Congress, the Clean Energy Minerals Reform Act of 2023 (S. 1742), that would protect Americans from abuse and poisoning by mining companies. 

This should be a time of year when communities, clean air, and water, and the future of our climate are celebrated and protected.

This year, let’s fight for communities and stop the naughty list from wreaking havoc. Please donate today.

Thank you for all your support this year. We’re fortunate to have you at our side as we work with communities to support families and fight for a clean environment.

In solidarity, 

Jennifer Krill
Executive Director

PS: The criteria to add a company to the Naughty List may include metrics on pollution, carbon footprint, resource use efficiency, impact on vulnerable communities, and compliance with environmental laws.

Here’s the full naughty list with a bit more on how these companies got here: 

  • Barrick Gold [pollution and human rights violations]
  • Chevron [2nd largest polluter in the world and fighting air pollution protections]
  • TotalEnergies [fracking near daycare centers and expanding refineries in Texas]
  • Formosa Plastics Group [harming communities from the Gulf Coast to Vietnam]
  • Newmont Mining [pollution and violence in Haiti, Indonesia, and Peru]
  • Vale [responsible for the Brumadinho, Brazil, mining dam collapse, killing 272 people]

Help Earthworks take on these and other corporations harming communities in the U.S. and around the world.  |  Make a Donation

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