Dear John:

As the climate crisis accelerates and millions face climate-linked disasters, the right wing in America has doubled down on its support for fossil fuels. Front groups backed by Big Oil and Leonard Leo — like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), State Financial Officers Foundation (SFOF), Heritage Action, and the Texas Public Policy Foundation — are actively sabotaging climate progress and digging in to protect dirty power.

And — since climate denial clearly doesn’t pass the straight-face test anymore — they are doing it in the name of fighting “woke” capitalism.

As dystopian as it may seem, Big Oil and the groups that do their dirty work have decided to make fighting climate progress the new front in the Right’s culture wars.

CMD is working hard to shine a light on the dark money groups carrying Big Oil’s water. This year we:

  • Documented Koch Industries’ attempt to kill President Biden’s climate reforms…while hedging its bets by investing in new solar energy ventures.
  • Launched to show how an ALEC-like group for state treasurers and auditors has been weaponized to manufacture a crisis around ESG investing (which stands for Environmental, Social and Governance standards).
  • Reported that the Utah State Treasurer compared ESG investing to Nazism at the Heartland Institute’s annual climate disinformation conference.
  • Revealed how multinational energy giant Enbridge paid Minnesota agencies and police $8.6 million to crush protests against the construction of its Line 3 tar sands pipeline in 2021.
  • Exposed efforts by ALEC and others to blacklist companies that divest from fossil fuels or embrace sustainable energy goals.
  • Tracked the energy and law enforcement interests lobbying to criminalize climate protests.

Big Oil and the Right are hell-bent on sustaining the ESG hysteria to divide and distract us from the growing climate emergency and rile up the GOP base in the upcoming elections.

Which is why CMD’s intrepid crew of researchers and writers will be working overtime in 2024 to expose the latest assaults on climate progress and political spending by the fossil fuel industry — but we need your help!

Please make a tax-deductible donation to support CMD’s environmental investigations today!

And, as an extra incentive...

Thanks to a $50,000 match, your year-end gift will have twice the impact!
Donate Here!

Let’s fight together to protect our planet. Thank you for your support of CMD and all that you do,

Arn Pearson 
Executive Director

This year marks CMD’s 30th anniversary!
We could not have succeeded in exposing corruption and disinformation for three decades without the loyal support of people like you. Thank you!

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Center for Media and Democracy
P.O. Box 259010
Madison, Wisconsin 53725-9010
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