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National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence Postponed

Dear John,

Thank you for bearing with us in this time of uncertainty and rapidly updating information. To prioritize the health of attendees, speakers, hotel staff, and all of our families and communities, we will be postponing the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence (NCHDV) to a later date, which has yet to be determined. We want to make sure that this gathering is not adding to the strain of healthcare response and believe that all of you will be needed at home, in your communities to offer support. Furthermore, as of yesterday, the CDC now recommends that all gatherings with 50+ people should be canceled or postponed.

We will be developing a process so that registered participants will be given the option of receiving a registration refund or carrying their registration over to the postponed conference date. If you have registered for the conference, expect to receive instructions on this process in the coming weeks.

We, like you, are feeling much concern for the health and wellness of our loved ones and communities, including those who are surviving violence. We have developed a resource page for survivors, their communities, and for domestic and sexual violence advocacy programs.  We encourage you to take a look and share with you networks if it is useful: Information and Resources for DV Survivors and Service Providers.

It has been very inspiring to see how people are coming together to take care of one another and try to slow the spread of this virus. From staying home as much as possible to starting mutual aid networks. One such effort is being organized by Amita Swadhin, one of the NCHDV plenary panelists and Pre-Conference Institute faculty, who is raising emergency funds for LGBTQI+ people of color who are immunocompromised, disabled, or made economically vulnerable by the spread of Coronavirus. The National Domestic Workforce Alliance is also raising funds to support in-home care workers, nannies, and house cleaners navigating this crisis alone and without a safety net. If you are able, please consider giving to these efforts or one of the fundraisers happening in your community.

Thank you for being a part of our NCHDV community and for all of the kind messages we have received concerning this conference and your commitment to the health and wellbeing of survivors. We also want to express deep gratitude specifically to our conference presenters, NCDHV steering committee, Pre-Conference Institute faculty, conference planners Do Good Events, performers, partners in Chicago, and many more people who have already put so much heart and work into making this gathering so meaningful and valuable for our field and movements. We look forward to being together when the time is right. If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email [email protected].

With much gratitude and care,

2020 Conference Organizers Signatures

Lisa James, Lisa Sohn, Graciela Olguin, and Kate Vander Tuig

Conference Organizers, [email protected]


The Conference is a project of the National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence (HRC), which has supported health care practitioners, administrators and systems, domestic violence experts, survivors, and policy makers at all levels as they improve health care’s response to domestic violence. The HRC is funded by a grant from the Family Violence Prevention & Services Program, Family & Youth Services Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and is a member of the Domestic Violence Resource Network.

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