Hi John

As the Campaign Director for Free Speech For People, I wanted to make sure you got John’s message about what together, with your support, we have achieved this past year and what we have in store for 2024.

We are proud to be a leading force in the country defending our democracy and our Constitution, which includes our pathbreaking work catalyzing the movement to uphold Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment (the Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause). This week’s momentous ruling from the Colorado Supreme Court finding that Donald Trump is disqualified from holding any future public office demonstrates the incredible progress we are making in this fight.

Will you make a contribution today and join Free Speech For People in fighting for we, the people?

We are honored to partner with you in this fight, and we look forward to sharing more victories in the year ahead.

Thank you for standing with us,

Alexandra Flores-Quilty
Campaign Director, Free Speech For People



With 2023 drawing to a close, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for your involvement with Free Speech For People. Your support has allowed us to create transformative change through our pathbreaking legal and grassroots organizing strategies to protect and renew our democracy.

But, at this critical moment in our history, we must keep up the fight for our republic, and we need your help to continue our work.

Will you donate what you can today to help us defend democracy in 2024?

This has been an incredible year for Free Speech For People:

  • Protecting elections from foreign interference: We passed the first statewide ban on foreign-influenced corporate spending in elections as part of Minnesota’s Democracy for the People Act. Multinational corporations will no longer be able to spend money directly or give it to a super PAC or other entity to spend in the North Star State. We are currently advancing our model legislation in California, New York, Washington, Massachusetts, and Hawaii.
  • Upholding Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment: We filed three landmark lawsuits against Secretaries of State in Minnesota, Michigan, and Oregon to bar Trump from the ballot for inciting the January 6th insurrection, disqualifying him from holding future public office. We will continue this campaign as we approach the 2024 Republican primaries and, if necessary, in the leadup to the general election.
  • Combating voter suppression: With support from our partners at Generation Vote, we led a year-long campaign to revoke the appointment of Cleta Mitchell, an election denier and former Trump lawyer, from the Election Assistance Commission’s Board of Advisors. During her time on the Board, Mitchell continued to promote false claims of election fraud and outlined a calculated strategy for limiting voting access for young voters, highlighting the need to curtail voting on college campuses and restrict same-day voter registration. Mitchell was not reappointed following the end of her term in November.
  • Challenging discriminatory voting schemes: In a victory for Arizona voters, a federal judge struck down numerous discriminatory, anti-voter provisions of two recently enacted Arizona laws, H.B. 2492 and H.B. 2243, that undermined Arizonans’ freedom to vote and violated federal law. Free Speech For People was a member of the legal team representing Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Arizona Students’ Association (ASA), Arizona Democracy Resource Center (ADRC), Arizona Coalition for Change (ACC), the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona (ITCA) and the San Carlos Apache Tribe in this case.

The 2024 election season is already underway, which means we must continue our efforts to protect and expand the right to vote nationwide, bar foreign-influenced corporate spending from impacting elections, and hold Trump accountable under the Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause.

We’re reminded daily that the state of our democracy remains at a crossroads, which is why we need your support. Donate today to help us continue our fight to uphold the Constitution and protect our democracy in 2024 and beyond.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Express Donate: $500

Express Donate: $250

Express Donate: $100

Express Donate: $50

Express Donate: $25

Express Donate: $10

Or, donate another amount

Thank you for continuing to stand with us.

Happy Holidays,

John Bonifaz
President, Free Speech For People

Paid for by Free Speech For People
[email protected]

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