Top Democrats like Pete Buttigieg are commanding us to take action!
Pete Buttigieg: The fight for DC Statehood is about racial, economic, and democratic justice for over 700k Americans who have equal worth and equally important needs, but not equal representation in Congress.
Chip in now to help elect Democrats who will pass D.C. Statehood >>
Friend, here’s the good (no, GREAT news): If Democrats pass D.C. Statehood, Chuck Schumer would get TWO Senators and cement our Senate majority for years to come. 
But here’s the bad (no, TERRIBLE news): Mitch McConnell is doing everything in his power to block this bill from passing. 
Mitch McConnell: [Democrats want to make] Washington, D.C., America’s 51st state. With two more liberal senators, we cannot undo the damage they’ve done.
So we set a [BRAND-NEW] grassroots goal of $25,OOO to power up our programs to help elect Democrats who will pass D.C. Statehood.

Even just $5 could help elect Democrats who will pass D.C. Statehood. Don’t let us down, Friend… donate now! >>>

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This could change everything.

Democratic Victory Project
Paid for by March On PAC
Copyright 2023 March On PAC
9878 W Belleview Ave Ste 2009
Denver, CO 80123

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