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Ori Givati, a member of the veterans' group Breaking the Silence, said holding Israeli troops accountable means raising "questions that we will not have good answers for if we want to continue the occupation."
The Pact on Migration and Asylum would allow for the detention and fast-tracked deportation of new arrivals who immigration officials believe pose a threat to security or are not likely to win asylum.
Sen. Thom Tillis' bill also states that the Supreme Court "shall have sole jurisdiction to decide" cases involving the Constitution's insurrection clause.
"Will the U.S. government listen to the world's demands? Or will it continue in its deadly inhuman course?" asked the secretary-general of Amnesty International.
I realize my own gaping hypocrisy if I were to say that when an Israeli child is killed by a zealot’s rocket it is terrorism, but when a Palestinian child is killed by a government’s carpet bomb, it is justice.