Need To Know: The Latest From Colorado's 3rd District

Good afternoon,

It's been a very busy and productive final month of 2023 for Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, with her Pueblo Jobs Act passing both chambers of Congress and strong local media coverage of the Congresswoman's recent legislative victories.

Here's what you Need To Know this week + a graphic we encourage you to share on social media on why Congresswoman Lauren Boebert voted Yes on the Pueblo Jobs Act and NDAA:

KOAA PRAISES BOEBERT'S PUEBLO JOBS ACT: On Tuesday morning, KOAA News5 ran a segment discussing the many benefits coming to Southern Colorado as a result of Congresswoman Lauren Boebert's Pueblo Jobs Act. From creating 1,000 jobs to ending much of the uncertainty around the closure of the Pueblo Chemical Depot, KOAA described the bill's passage as "certainly good news" for the 3rd District. You can watch the entire clip below:

TRUMP BLOCKED FROM 2024 COLORADO BALLOT, REP. BOEBERT SPEAKS OUT IN SUPPORT: A liberal majority on the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that President Donald J. Trump should not be on the 2024 ballot on Tuesday night, sparking backlash from Coloradans whose voices are being suppressed with this decision. Congresswoman Boebert immediately condemned the ruling as "judicial activism" and urged supporters to fight this ruling every step of the way. You can see the Congresswoman's entire statement on the issue here.

REP. BOEBERT APPLAUDS SHOSHONE WATER RIGHTS DEAL: Congresswoman Lauren Boebert recognized the great work of the Colorado River District to secure an agreement for the Shoshone water rights. The deal will be a major boon to Western Colorado communities who depend on water access and will protect this resources from being sent to other parts of Colorado. In a Facebook post on Wednesday morning, the Congresswoman said she is ready to help finalize the agreement, which will require the acquisition of millions in funding, in any way she can.

Make sure to follow our campaign on X and Facebook and spread our message by sending this email to your family and friends across the 3rd District!

Team Boebert


Lauren Boebert is the Congresswoman for the U.S House of Representatives (CO-3). Learn more at

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