Emre Kuvvet (Wall Street Journal)

What secrets are at the heart of America’s central bank? Through a FOIA request, Emre Kuvvet obtained the Fed’s elusive “Doomsday Book.” Now revealed: the New York Fed’s potent role in the ‘08 financial crisis...sparking a conversation about much-needed transparency for the bank. READ MORE »
The Independent Review, Fall 2022
Independent Truths With Dr. Scott Atlas

In this episode Dr. Atlas interviews Professor Steven Koonin of NYU on the science on climate change and the general state of science, as climate and energy have become increasingly dominant in the media and public policy debates. WATCH: »
Richard K. Vedder (The American Spectator)

Amid a surfeit of leftism on post-liberal prestige campuses, billionaire benefactors and businesses have started withdrawing support, while enrollments decline. But resurgent traditional institutions welcome prospective students seeking alternatives to progressive culture. Is the counterrevolution underway? READ MORE »
David T. Beito (RealClearHistory.com)

After failing in its quest for net neutrality, the Federal Communications Commission opens a new chapter in its unyielding quest for regulatory control over the internet. In doing so, it is echoing a century-old tradition of meddling. READ MORE »
Lee E. Ohanian (California On Your Mind)

Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom faced off in a rare debate. Who won? Not Californians, whose governor skipped over the inconvenient truth that bad government policy is behind the Golden State’s economic woes, housing crisis, high taxes, and failing public schools. READ MORE »
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Christopher Lingle, Emile Phaneuf III