2024 is upon us. The year that has loomed large but felt far away for the past 36 months is finally here. Our democracy is on the ballot this year — yet again — and we at HGL already feel the urgency of the countdown towards the election.

Over this past year, our companies continued to push the envelope on what technology makes possible for the progressive movement. From powering expansive programs in Ohio and Georgia to reaching key voters in Virginia to expanding the footprint of civic engagement in other industries, 2023 has been a year of growth and discovery. I am inspired by the work of our founders every day and feel honored to work alongside them in this critical time.

As we prepare for next year, technology has taken center stage. With the rise of AI, the declining voter contact rates through traditional methods, and the pivot towards digital advertising over traditional television, our campaigns are changing fundamentally. We have no choice but to run a new playbook — embracing technology as a core part of how we design and implement our strategy. There is so much opportunity to work smarter, faster, and more effectively as we reach our voters where they are and invite them to engage.

Higher Ground Labs is excited to be at the forefront of this moment. We are embracing these changes and partnering with leaders across the movement to incorporate new technology strategically and responsibly. This isn’t just a nice-to-have; this is a necessity.

We are excited to work with you in the new year to explore this new type of campaigning — and we are so grateful for your partnership. Have a wonderful, restful holiday season. Let’s come back in January, ready to get the job done.

—Betsy Hoover
Founder & Managing Partner, HGL

In the lead-up to 2024, our portfolio companies continued to generate tech and infrastructure value for the progressive movement this year. They demonstrate that there truly are no off-years when it comes to building political power for elections, organizing, and civic engagement.

They implemented novel campaigning tactics and innovations to target left-out voters and protect reproductive rights. Their products, services, and technologies helped to tip close races in Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Mississippi, to the left.

We’ve highlighted the impact of some of our portfolio companies this past year. Let us build on these successes, insights, and learnings as we hit the ground running in 2024.

View the HGL portfolio's impact

Just a couple of short months ago, HGL launched the Progressive AI Lab to serve as the hub for AI innovation within the Democratic and progressive landscape for the upcoming election cycle.

Join us in Washington, DC on January 30th for the AI in Campaigning & Organizing Summit. Cohosted by HGL's Progressive AI Lab, Cooperative Impact Lab, and Zinc Labs, this summit is for leaders, practitioners, and experts from the progressive and Democratic organizing and campaign spaces to build a foundational understanding of this technology, present on current work, and identify gaps ahead of the 2024 election. Grab your spot here.

Trying to select the right generative AI tools for your campaigns and organizing? We wrote this primer for progressive campaigns and advocacy organizations to navigate the generative AI tools in political tech. We highlighted the key trustworthy traits you should look for in AI tools as well as red flags you should be weary of.

And ICYMI: We recently announced the 14 grant recipients selected out of a competitive pool of 140+ RFP responses. They are developing valuable generative AI tools across content creation & advertising, data & analytics, fundraising, research & polling, and voter contact & organizing.

On behalf of Team HGL, we wish you happy holidays! Thank you for your partnership this year and every year.