Hi John,
Will we protect and affirm LGBTQ+ young people in 2024 - or allow the Moms for Liberty agenda to continue to poison our schools and communities?
Donate $50 to help support youth activists working for safety and affirmation for LGBTQ+ young people.
Far right politicians love to attack and villainize supporters of transgender young people and all LGBTQ+ youth to score political points. It’s harmful to young people, who face discrimination, being forced to suppress and disguise who they are, and even being outed. Yet policy makers continue to attack them, with no regard for the harm caused.
Young people haven’t remained complacent and won’t stay silent about it. This year, Advocates worked with young people to found Act Out!, a nationwide network of young people working together to end “don’t say gay or trans” laws and policies and ensure all young people are safe and supported.
Nia works to ensure young LGBTQ+ people in Florida are safe, supported, and affirmed.
"For queer and trans young people in Florida, our state is attacking us right now. We need to stand together and stay strong. My focus is on providing resources to my community and fighting back against these harmful laws. Through Advocates I have met many young people across the country doing this work. It's empowering to know I am not alone." — Nia

Support activists like Nia with your $50 donation.
We can turn the tide and stop the wave of homophobia and transphobia that has swept across the nation - if we work alongside activists like Nia.
Thank you for your support,
Debra Hauser
Advocates for Youth