Dear Community Partner:Consumer Action is always on the lookout for new consumer education tools that community-based organizations can use to help inform and protect the consumers they serve. Just th

Dear Community Partner:

Consumer Action is always on the lookout for new consumer education tools that community-based organizations can use to help inform and protect the consumers they serve. Just this month, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released newly updated graphic novels, or "fotonovelas," that offer practical advice to help spot and report common scams. The stories are based on reports to the FTC from Spanish speakers, but the scams and consumer advice are relevant to all communities.

In two brief videos, one in English and the other in Spanish, Gema de las Heras, a consumer education specialist with the Division of Consumer and Business Education at the Federal Trade Commission, talks to Consumer Action about scams covered by the fotonovelas (government imposter scams, income-earning scams, and more), how the publications can be ordered in bulk, reporting scams to the FTC, and other educational materials available in additional languages.

Learn more about these colorful and easy-to-read graphic novels by checking out our new videos:

Watch the English video here.

Watch the Spanish video here.

Please also remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Through education and advocacy, nonprofit Consumer Action fights for strong consumer rights and policies that promote fairness and financial prosperity for underrepresented consumers nationwide.

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