Friend --

Given the current COVID-19 virus public health emergency, we will now be holding most meetings online. Please check our CALENDAR for full event listings and committee meetings changes and postponements. 

BUT we can still win this and we need to build for the long term. It starts right here in DSA-LA! Our fight continues for free, comprehensive healthcare for all. Fight with us for Medicare for all -- we will fight harder than ever!

(or renew your membership today)

Autonomous Community Defense Against the 2020 Coronavirus CoVID-19 pandemic 

Mutual aid is a voluntary exchange of resources and services for the mutual benefit of all people involved. Seeing a no better time to share our resources, our Mutual Aid Committee has helped organized this Zoom call for tonight at 8pm. The training will be led by an infectious disease professor at Vanderbilt University. We'll talk about: making hand sanitizer, wipes & hand hygiene techniques as well as infection control in small groups. We’ll record the call if you can’t make it!

Reclaiming Our Homes!

Did you know that there are more vacant homes than people experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles? Some of these vacant properties are even owned by the state. We are taking this housing back for our community. Today, we are taking matters into our own hands and moving into vacant houses owned by Caltrans! In the wake of Coronavirus, we the people who need healthy and safe housing demand that all publicly-owned homes and land be made available to those who need it NOW! Shame on the state for sitting on these properties during a housing and public health crisis. We stand with Reclaiming Our Homes!

Need to connect in a time of social isolation? Neighborhood Hangouts have been moved to online hangs this month! Please be sure to check the calendar to find out more!

Join the Conflict Resolution Team: Do You Have What It Takes?

Are you a good listener? Are you passionate about fostering an anti-oppressive environment within DSA? Do you have experience in the field of conflict resolution, either formally or informally? Are you good at dealing with stress? If so, you may be a good fit for our Conflict Resolution Team (CRT). DSA-LA is currently seeking to recruit additional members for the CRT. The CRT is our primary body for resolving conflict between members and referring more serious cases for outside mediation. Before applying, please consider referring to the current DSA-LA misconduct policy, as well as Resolution 33, which established grievance policies for DSA on the national level. 

All applications received before 11:59 pm on April 17, 2020 will receive full consideration. For any questions regarding the application process, the DSA-LA Misconduct Policy, or Resolution 33, please email [email protected].  

Apply to join the International Committee!

National has begun a structural overhaul of our International Committee (IC). As part of this reform, the International Committee will soon open IC Subcommittees to all of DSA membership for your participation. We will also create a new Steering Committee to oversee our IC’s Subcommittees, and an International Secretariat to provide advice and diplomatic support directly to the NPC.

Submitting Resolutions & Proposals for Chapter-Wide Local Meeting on March 28th: due 3/18

As per Article IV, Section 2 in the chapter bylaws amended by DSA-LA at the last Annual Convention in October 2019, the Local will hold a single Local-wide meeting at least three times annually and any resolution or proposal properly qualified by 25 member signatures brought to the Steering Committee ten (10) days prior to a Local Meeting shall be published and agendized for a vote. 
To submit a resolution or proposal and proof of member signatures, members may submit relevant documents to the Steering Committee by March 18, 2020

Please contact [email protected] with any questions. 

We are still looking for meeting space!

We are still in need of meeting space! Does your lefty-leaning neighbor own an empty storefront? Does your union have unused evening office space? Free, low-cost, and centrally-located is ideal. Short-term okay, but long-term prefered for our weekly committee meetings. If you have leads on something HIT US UP at [email protected] 

See you this week! And stay safe, comrades.

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Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles · 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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