At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who came into the world as a little baby born in a humble stable in Bethlehem. But on that first Christmas, there was no room at the Inn for Him. When we think of how Baby Jesus was treated - unwanted and rejected - we are reminded that, because of legalised abortion, there is "no room" in today's society for the tiniest and most vulnerable - our unborn babies.
However, we find hope in the knowledge that every baby, like the Divine Baby Jesus born on the first Christmas, is precious and deserves to be cherished and protected. With your unwavering support throughout 2023, we have been able to ensure there was room in society for these tiny and vulnerable babies who were in danger of abortion.
This Christmas we celebrate and give thanks to God for the hundreds of babies' lives saved, like little Baby Hope who I'm holding in the picture above. She was destined to be killed by abortion but saved because of your generous sacrifices to Precious Life.
The joy of holding these little ones whose lives you've helped save is beyond words. I know that God will reward you abundantly for your kindness towards His little ones.
The birth of every child reflects the joy of the birth of Baby Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas. Thanks to you, so many mothers and babies will be celebrating their first Christmas together.