Dear Members and Associates,
We are in an unprecedented time, and we need to use whatever leverage we have to make sure that the most vulnerable in our society are not overlooked and forgotten. While some of us can afford to take lots of time off from work, many can not. The economic contraction over the next month or so could prove highly damaging in a society with already gross inequalities, stressed housing conditions, homelessness, and a healthcare system designed to raise money more than care for patients.
So what can we do, as socialists? Twin Cities DSA has started a rolling phone zap this week, and I encourage you to sign up for a shift and to participate. I have done these before and they are surprisingly effective. This one will be focused on a statewide eviction moratorium. Whether you are missing mortgage payments, or missing rent, you need a place to live. Follow this link to sign up.
In addition, we are working on some local Twin Ports Area actions we can take, from pressure campaigns to helping local distribution centers get the items they are most in need of. This will be a major topic of Sunday's meeting, so come with your ideas. If you have something you want us to focus on, please respond to this email.
DSA has purchased the digital platform Zoom for local chapters to use for meetings. For the time being, all of our meetings will be on zoom, which allows video conferences and also just simple phone conferencing at the same time. Stay tuned for an announcement with links to next Sunday's meeting.
In Solidarity
John Krumm
Twin Ports DSA