I am so proud to share with you our 2023 Impact Report, with highlights including:
- 2 billion federal dollars unlocked for programs that prevent violence, provide economic supports, and help survivors heal in the U.S. and internationally, as a result of our advocacy and policy work
- $1 billion in estimated dollars unlocked for survivors and society to-date with our Coaching Boys Into Men program which is proven to reduce relationship and sexual violence among young people--as well as the associated lifetime costs of sexual violence, like healthcare costs, legal expenses and lost wages.
- 1.1 million people reached this year online with education, social change messages and calls to action
- Thousands of first responders equipped across healthcare, education, legal systems and more, to reach survivors with lifesaving support
- 36,000 mentors, coaches and other trusted adults in young people’s lives activated as mental health responders, with our partners, to reach over 900,000 youth
- 4 out of 4 stars from Charity Navigator for more than 10 years and counting - a distinction that only 5 percent of all nonprofits have achieved
Please consider a gift today to help us continue this lifesaving work.
Making real, meaningful change requires a vision of a different world; the courage, optimism, and persistence to bring that vision to life; and--most importantly--supporters like you who help make our work possible.
With heartfelt thanks,
Esta Soler
Founder & President
P.S. Our work relies 100% on supporters like you, please donate today in honor of someone in your life. |