Your input is needed for our last podcast episode of 2023.
in with your thoughts on what episodes and guests you found most
meaningful, helpful, or compelling to feed into our Year In Review
Episode that we'll upload on December 31. Let us know what you want to hear
in 2024.
>> Take a short survey here
You can also reply to this email with your thoughts on:
What 2023 episode(s)/guest(s) did you find most informative and/or inspiring?
Tell us a bit why.
What do you want to hear on the podcast in 2024?
What are your other favorite podcasts do you follow?
Do you listen to other podcasts similar to our show?
Each week the Refuse Fascism podcast helps people look at uncomfortable
truths and act with creativity and daring.But right now not nearly
enough people know about this podcast resource. Instead of people
hearing “just vote” and “that couldn’t happen here” and “there’s nothing
we can do,” millions must be hearing our reality-based message and
joining a growing movement of people refusing to accept a fascist
Help make it possible with
your end of year gift today.
Sam Goldman, host of the Refuse Fascism podcast
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To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism
Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 2 East 28th Street #321, New York NY 10016-7402