URGENT ACTION NEEDED: A court overturned a ban on chlorpyrifos – a neurotoxic pesticide that causes PERMANENT DAMAGE to childrens’ developing brains! Protect kids and sign to reinstate the ban!

In 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency banned chlorpyrifos. At the time, EPA administrator Michael Regan called it an “overdue step to protect public health.” Considering chlorpyrifos is linked to reduced IQ, memory loss, and attention deficit disorders, wouldn’t you agree?

A federal court just overturned the ban and opened the floodgates for this toxic pesticide to be used in food production – food that you and your family might end up eating. We need the EPA to re-instate its ban RIGHT NOW before corporate food producers start using chlorpyrifos again! Please, Friend, tell the EPA to ban the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos and help prevent permanent brain damage to kids! >>

Chlorpyrifos is in a class of chemicals known as organophosphates, which includes sarin nerve gas! These organophosphates were originally developed by the Nazis during World War II – now they’ve been repurposed for agricultural use. The results have been devastating.

The evidence is clear: chlorpyrifos harms children even at low exposure levels. We need an outright ban! Tell the EPA to protect children from neurotoxic pesticides. We need 2,103 more signatures by MIDNIGHT to hit our goal! >>

Standing with you,
Kendra Klein
Deputy Director of Science,
Friends of the Earth
