Fight displacement in DC with us!

Dear Friend,


Thank you for being with us all year. As it comes to an end, we’re doing some reflecting on the power we have built and the work we’ve done together. 


This spring, we were able to put a cap on the increasing rent in our rent-stabilized buildings. We are proud to have led the End Rentflation campaign to cap the rent and stop DC's highest increase ever in rent controlled apartments. 


Our housing work has not stopped there.  Since then, we have dedicated  countless hours canvassing, building community, and informing tenants of their rights! We know the fight isn’t over. Every time our community wins, we have those who put profit over people attack our communities. This is why our collective power scares them! 


Looking back it is clear that we won together and that we need to remain as united and ready as ever before. In 2024, we will continue to fight with and for tenants in DC and continue to improve protections against slumlords. If you are able, please consider giving to support our work for housing justice in Washington, DC.

Supporting the DC Jobs With Justice means you are part of building a District-wide tenant movement that puts people over profit.


In Solidarity,

Damiana Dendy