Earlier this year an Unto® staff team traveled to the bush of Tanzania to help the local staff team host a women’s health workshop among the Maasai — an unreached people group who are often difficult to reach physically and spiritually.
Villagers from the surrounding area heard that visitors were coming to their community and wanted to learn more about their message. Thomas, a man from a neighboring village, was so curious he walked for several hours to meet the team.
The team welcomed Thomas and shared how they had come to teach women’s health and to express the kindness of Jesus. After listening intently to what they said, he asked, “How can I know Jesus?”
Several other men were standing around as Thomas boldly responded to the message of Jesus. He was grinning from ear to ear, overjoyed to discover hope!
The staff shared, “God had an appointment with Thomas that day. He changed his life and transformed his heart!”
Later that day Thomas met the local pastor who serves in the community. Thomas offered up his land and asked the pastor to build a church in his village. He wanted his people to have access to the hope of Jesus too! The local pastor agreed and he will soon be preaching in Thomas’ village.