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Katie Pavlich

The Limits Of Caring

Kurt Schlichter

The 'Adults' Brought Absolute Depravity With Them

Matt Vespa

Enjoy the Ride

John Stossel

Perverts in the Senate

Derek Hunter

Sexist Sports, Hateful History, and Racist Word Games

Brad Slager

Biden’s War on Christmas and All Things Holy

John Nantz

Florida Newspaper Trashes Hunters and Anglers as Low Information, Far Right

Gabriella Hoffman

A Gift That Will Keep on Giving

Cal Thomas

Here's a Hilarious Rage Bait/Satire Piece About the Senate's Recent Gay Sex Fiasco

Matt Vespa

'A Completely Flawed Decision': Trump Campaign Responds to Colorado's Latest Anti-Democratic Ballot Move

Rebecca Downs

Donald Trump Endorses Bernie Moreno for Ohio Senate Race

Rebecca Downs

Why Anti-Trumpers Are Popping Champagne Over What Colorado Just Did for Their 2024 Ballot

Matt Vespa

Is The New York Times for Real Here With This Poll?

Rebecca Downs

There's Something Very Interesting Ben Cardin Won't Say About His Now Ex-Staffer

Rebecca Downs

One Country Releases ‘Transgender’ Guidance Protecting Parents' Rights in Education

Madeline Leesman

Labeling the Debate as 'Nonpartisans' vs. the 'Ultra-Right'

Tim Graham

Corralling the Asian Bully

Mark Lewis

Universities Symptom of Much Bigger Problem

Star Parker

Do Absentee and Mail-in Ballots Make It Easier to Pay People for Voting?

John R. Lott, Jr.

Democrats May Fall on Their Own Special Interest Sword

Terry Paulson

What the Defense Authorization Does Not Defend

Terry Jeffrey

The Profiteering Migrant-Industrial Complex

Betsy McCaughey

Giuliani Never Puts Up, But He Never Shuts Up Either

Jacob Sullum

The Pope Cannot Overrule God

Michael Brown

Do Gun Laws Apply to Gun Control Organizations in New Mexico?

Kerry Slone

Previous Allegations of Plagiarism Against Harvard's President Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Spencer Brown

KJP Just Made a Laughable Claim About Biden and the Border Crisis

Katie Pavlich

Prominent Philadelphia LGBTQ+ Activist Charged With Rape of Minors

Madeline Leesman

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Anti-Gun Mom Loses It Over Miniature Guns |
This Is How You Know Crime Is Bad |
Did a Gun Control Group Violate Their Own Pet Law? |
Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs Suing State |
Gun Store Offers Real Solution to 'Gun Deaths' |
Maryland Teen Sentenced For Owning Machine Gun, Drugs |