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Dear Free Software Supporter,
It's not easy being an anti-DRM activist, especially heading into
2024. Not content with locking down software and streaming media, the
massive corporations peddling this unjust technology have even
extended their reach into the world's libraries. OverDrive is the
worst of these offenders -- and by their actions, an enemy of
universal education everywhere. Digital Restrictions Management
(DRM) is fundamentally incompatible with the humanitarian
principles that guide libraries, which is why we targeted them for
this year's International Day Against DRM (IDAD).
No matter how active we are, a single day is not enough to reverse
this dangerous trend for even the most dedicated group of activists.
As anti-DRM activists, we know this; we are used to millions of
dollars in media propaganda working against us. In just a short time,
Follett, OverDrive, and others have perpetuated the idea that ebooks
should be subject to the same restrictions as physical media. As more
and more readers turn to ebooks, libraries are forced to keep up with
the trend, often having to pay onerous licensing fees just for the
"privilege" of keeping the work in stock, and, often unknowingly,
exposing their patrons' data.
Let me be clear: thanks to digital media, and for the first time in
history, free (as in freedom), universal education for all is within
reach. Corporate greed is the only thing standing in the way of this
goal. OverDrive and Follet have used the millions of dollars and
incredible engineering talent they have at their disposal to develop
new ways to restrict readers and spy on them, all while claiming to
uphold core educational principles like universal access and freedom
from censorship. They would rather spend their time and energy
devising new ways to make money for their shareholders -- not authors
-- and limiting our access to media even further than physical media
does naturally.
IDAD, and the Defective by Design campaign itself, is our way of
drawing attention to these issues. Given our size, we can't change
things ourselves. What we can do is point to the way things should be
and could be. We can call out those who claim good ideals while doing
their opposite, and we can continue on with our work. It's all up to
us -- and you.
By supporting us today, you help secure a free future. If every
reader of this email supports our efforts by ensuring a
contribution, we can increase our strength and direct our
resources towards staging events like this year's Day Against DRM. Or,
you can advocate for user freedom by convincing just one person to
join the FSF. Your contribution will count towards achieving our
fall goal of $375,000 before December 31.
IDAD may be over this year, but our work against DRM continues. We
invite you to join us in campaigning against DRM in whatever way
interests you, whether that's suggesting edits and making corrections
to the Guide to DRM-free Living, joining the #dbd IRC channel
on Libera.Chat, or spreading the message about the Defective by Design
campaign far and wide through your own initiative. And, if you are on
social media already, you can post with the hashtag
#EndDRM. We're always on the lookout for anti-DRM success
stories as well, so if you've had some results you'd like to share
with us, please write us at [email protected].
In solidarity,
Greg Farough
Campaigns Manager