The results of the Courage California 2024 Primary Election Survey are here!
Some of the responses we expected, some were a surprise, and thanks to everyone who responded, Courage knows what to focus on to increase voter turnout for the 2024 primary in less than 90 days!
We can’t build winning campaign plans without your help. Will you donate to Courage California to help us make your ideas a reality?
We are planning outreach to young and disenfranchised voters in 2024. Please donate now to ensure we reach as many people as possible!
Here’s a quick breakdown of the Courage California 2024 Primary survey results:
👩🏻Let’s start where you think California is doing well. A full 57% think that California is protecting our reproductive rights -- and it’s never been more important than right now, when the Supreme Court is considering taking the abortion pill off the market and women are being sued to stop them from exercising their rights!
🏚️When it comes to how California can improve, almost two-thirds agree that housing is the issue we struggle with the most. Housing far outweighed the next biggest issues, the environment at 8.9% and education at 5.1%.
📪Not surprisingly, the vast majority -- 97.5% -- plan to vote. And 81% plan to vote by mail! It’s a presidential election, and 48% are excited to vote in that race, while 27% are looking forward to the U.S. Senate primary among Barbara Lee, Katie Porter, and Adam Schiff. Just 2.4% are most excited about the state legislature.
🪸And considering that so many think California is failing when it comes to housing, it’s no surprise that 36% think that homelessness and 34% think housing affordability are among the most important issues when it comes to choosing a candidate. Other top issues were climate change (67%), voting rights (43%), and gun safety (35%).
🗳️And 63% of respondents count on Courage California’s Voter Guide to help choose those candidates! Other important influences are the California Democratic Party, various labor unions, and media sources.
We’re going to put these survey results to work!
We’re going to let candidates know that Courage California’s members want them to put housing affordability first. Our team is preparing to release our 9th Annual Courage Score -- which includes information about our legislators’ housing votes -- in January, earlier than ever so people can use it to inform their votes and get excited about the state’s primary elections. Courage will get our voting guide into even more hands this year to turn out more voters and specifically target outreach to new and young voters!
As you consider your year-end giving, I hope you’ll make an investment in Courage California's unique and critical work for a more progressive California. We’re making these plans right now, so what you give right now helps to determine the outcome in March!
Will you make a year-end donation to Courage California?
Thank you for your support.
–Irene (and the rest of the Courage team)
PS: Courage California is fighting for equity and justice across the state and country. Will you become a monthly donor and help sustain our work?
Donations go to support all of Courage California's work for a more progressive California and country. Follow us now on Facebook or Twitter!  |