National links: Why the US builds less transit than its peers

By Jeff Wood (Contributor) • March 13, 2020

Why is the US behind other countries in building transit? 3D printed housing, NASA’s carbon dioxide insights, and more in this week’s National links.

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GGWash is working remotely to lower the risk of coronavirus.

By Caitlin Rogger (Policy Manager) • March 13, 2020

Greater Greater Washington has had to make a few important decisions in light of the threat of the COVID-19 coronavirus. We canceled our annual birthday party, and now our staff will be working remotely until this crisis passes.

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Breakfast links: DC’s nightlife faces more restrictions

By Matt Gontarchick (Contributor) • March 16, 2020

DC imposes additional restrictions on bars, restaurants

After a weekend where patrons continued to jam bars and restaurants despite warnings about COVID-19, the District clamped down on restrictions that limit the number of patrons and ensure new rules on social distancing can actually be met.  (Martin Austermuhle, Rachel Sadon / WAMU)

Region’s houses of worship adapt to coronavirus

The region’s houses of worship are trying to walk the line between business as usual and avoiding the spread of disease, as COVID-19 cases continue to climb. Some are cancelling their services altogether, while others are taking new precautions to keep congregants safe.  (Daniella Cheslow / WAMU)

Montgomery County halts evictions to prevent displacement

Late last week, the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office suspended all eviction orders for 15 days to prevent renters who are unable to work from being displaced. The DC Council will consider similar legislation this week.  (Nena Perry-Brown / UrbanTurf)

The coronavirus hasn’t affected the region’s real estate market - for now

The public health emergency has yet to cool the region’s hot real estate market, where demand is still high and supply is still low. However, realtors are keeping an eye on market trends and are taking safety precautions.  (Nena Perry-Brown / UrbanTurf)

Metro curtails parking at three Orange Line stations

On Sunday, Metro reduced parking at the East Falls Church, West Falls Church, and Vienna stations to make room for construction equipment as the agency prepares to start rebuilding the station platforms on May 23.  (Justin George / Post)

MoCo residents voice their concern over BRT changes

As Montgomery County plans to restructure nine Ride On routes along Route 29 to accommodate a new bus rapid transit line, local residents are worried that the changes will lead to less frequent or convenient service for them.  (Katherine Shaver / Post)

How to survive working from home

For many people, working from home has become their norm. A writer offers some tips on how to make the transition from working in an office to working in the same place you keep your dirty clothes.  (Lily Strelich / 730DC)

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