You’ve heard from ASANanimals of all kinds — and there are many more behind the scenes! But I, Galaxy the cat, have been around ASAN alongside my human, Julia Bascom, for many years. I’ve seen so much incredible work come from ASAN every year, and I’ve made sure to add my voice to as many important phone calls and zoom meetings as possible. While I’m happy to have Julia around more, I know the folks at ASAN, and many in the autistic community, will miss her as she steps down at the end of this year. I know she is grateful for the support ASAN has seen over the years. As we’re now reaching the end, I want to highlight some of the amazing work ASAN has done while against near im-paws-ible odds.
Just this year, ASAN trained 18 incredible advocates through the Autism Campus Inclusion (ACI) Leadership Academy (and 124 in the last seven years)! They worked with the Policy and Analytics Center (PAC) to hold the Autism Research for Us Symposium, a conference which brought researchers and self-advocates together to discuss the current state of autism research and created an autistic-led research agenda. ASAN also released “Bienvenidos a la Comunidad Autista,” as well as plenty of new resources on different issues autistic people face. With your support, they’ve seen plenty of pawlicy wins, like the HCBS Settings Rule, and pushed for even more, like they did with their comments on the proposed updates to Section 504. Will you consider supporting ASAN as they move toward a new year and new fights for justice?
I stage a protest every time Julia goes to the office, but I know how grateful Julia has been to have the opportunity to lead ASAN. The people at ASAN have done so much to make sure autistic people are in control of their lives and the policies that affect them. And I can see how hard she and everyone else at ASAN have worked, and keep working, to make ASAN as strong as it is today. Will you fight alongside them in the coming year? There is plenty of work to do — humans always seem to have more work than they have time for pats — and ASAN is eager to keep doing the work alongside their community. When you humans come together, you can make the changes that need to be made. I am studying your tactics every day.
I have personally photobombed countless meetings and calls and hours upon hours of work to make sure the progress ASAN fights for will only continue to grow. In between the effusive praise for my beauty and Julia’s exasperated sighs as I scale her desk, I’ve seen people support ASAN and their work time and time again. Are you ready to support them too? ASAN can and will continue to show up for the next generation of autistic people, and they’ll do everything they can to make sure each of them has the tools to advocate and fight for change. I know they will, because I’ve seen it happen before. I’ve seen it in the creation of resources on COVID-19 even after the end of the public health emergency, in the fight against harmful health care practices, in the push to end subminimum wage, and so much more.
Julia has said that people used to be shocked if there was even one self-advocate in the room. Now, they’re expected — whether or not they’re always wanted, they have made a space for themselves. ASAN has claimed a place at the table for the autistic community, just as I have claimed every piece of furniture in this apartment. Julia has been a huge part of the work to get here, and her leadership has been vital. And now, in this time of leadership transitions, I am looking forward to my new title of Bed Rest Enforcer. I will make sure that Julia gets the rest she needs, and I am counting on you all to look after ASAN while I do that. With support from community members like you, ASAN will continue to grow and strengthen their fight for all autistic people. Thank you for everything you do to help make that happen!
With gratitude,

Autistic Self Advocacy Network
PO Box 66122
Washington, DC 20035
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