Dear Friend,

When I started at Justicia Lab (formerly the Immigration Advocates Network) in 2013 year as a Field Support Coordinator for Citizenshipworks, it was my first job after being able to legally work in the United States thanks to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

In the 10 years I’ve been working at Justicia Lab, Citizenshipworks has expanded to help over 50,000 legal permanent residents determine their eligibility to become U.S. Citizens and apply for naturalization with Citizenshipworks. Over the last decade, we’ve grown our partnerships with government agencies, community-based groups, and legal service organizations across the United States to bring the power of citizenship to over 200 organizations nationwide. 

Last August, after 30 years of living in the United States, I used Citizenshipworks, the tool that I am now the Product Lead for, to complete my own application to become a U.S. Citizen. Our tool allowed me to get through the process in record time in a way that was intuitive and made me feel secure that my information would be safe. 

For me, the work of expanding access to tools that make our immigration system more manageable is deeply personal. I’ve seen how my family and countless others have struggled to navigate through complex systems with limited language ability, unsure of who or what information and resources they could trust. 

As we look to the future and seek to bring the tools of justice to more immigrants and immigrant-serving organizations nationwide, we need your support.

Help us reach our goal of raising $50,000 before the end of the year by making a contribution of $25, $50, or $100 today. 

Thank you for believing in me, our work, and our decades-long mission to help bring safety and status to thousands of immigrants nationwide. Together we can make the dream of a more just immigration system and process for others a reality.

I hope you’ll join us.


In Progress,
Sandra Sandoval
CitizenshipWorks Product Lead 

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About Justicia Lab

Justicia Lab is Pro Bono Net’s immigrant justice technology lab, and a nonprofit legal tech initiative whose mission is to transform immigrant justice through collaboration, creativity, and technology. We work hand in hand with immigrants and their advocates to identify common challenges and incubate scalable digital tools to advance help immigrants navigate our immigration system, find workplace justice, and more.

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