Dear friend, 
Homelessness has increased by 12% according to a report released last week by the US Department of Housing and Economic Development. This means that over 650,000 people experienced homelessness on a given night. While we are shocked by these results, we are by no means surprised. The Point In Time (PIT) results confirm what the National Homelessness Law Center has been saying for years: the rent is too high for a growing number of Americans and far too many people are just one missed paycheck or health crisis away from becoming homeless.  
Click here to read our full statement of the PIT and our call for elected officials to focus on proven solutions to homelessness, not ticketing or arresting people for living outside.  
You can also check out coverage of our analysis in Vice news. 
National Homeless Persons Memorial Day is this Thursday, December 21st 
Every year, thousands of people die without the dignity of a home. We join our partners at the National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Healthcare for the Homeless Council in remembering these lives lost due to policy failures and violence. We ask that you join us in recommitting to building a world where everybody has the housing they need to live safe and healthy lives. Click here for ways to get involved.  
Help us continue our work in the new year! 
While 2023 has brought legislative and legal success in advancing the human right to housing, we have much more work to do in 2024 and beyond. Please consider making a gift today and help us cultivate a society where every person can live with dignity and enjoy their basic human rights, including the right to affordable, quality, and safe housing. 
Learn about all the ways you can support here! If you wish to make a gift of stock, please contact our Development Associate, Hailey Aldrich, at [email protected] for more information. 

National Homelessness Law Center
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 750-E
Washington, DC 20036
