Dear John,
When someone reaches out to Treatment Advocacy
Center’s Helpline, they've done all they can to help their loved one and don't know where to turn. They feel lost, confused, frustrated, and angry.
TAC's Helpline staff know how hard it is; we see the struggle firsthand as we help individuals and families navigate this difficult space. But thanks to the generosity of our donors, TAC is able to provide not only easy access to information, but human support through our online Get Help
I want you to know your support of TAC makes a profound difference and does not go unnoticed. Recently, we received this note from a mother of an adult son with SMI:
Your generous tax-deductible donation will enable us to expand the resources we provide and respond to those in need in the timeliest manner possible.

On behalf of the advocacy team and all of the families whose lives your donation will touch, I thank you!

Nina Richtmann
Director of Advocacy