Dear Reader,
At Ballotpedia, we believe that everyone deserves accurate, reliable, and trustworthy information about their candidates. We also know that good information—especially at the local level—is hard to find. That's why Ballotpedia launched our Candidate Connection survey.
We first began to experiment with candidate surveys in 2015 to help candidates connect with the voters in their districts. These surveys are not designed with tricky questions; rather, they enable candidates to directly communicate with voters, offering a clearer picture of the individuals beyond their campaign slogans. We ask federal, state, and local candidates to share what motivates them on both a political and personal level.
Comparing odd-year elections, in 2023, the response rate from candidates was 30% higher than the response rate in 2021.
Thanks to the support of readers like you, the Candidate Connection Survey enables voters to really get to know their candidates and access the information they need to feel confident they're casting their ballots.

Leslie Graves