Here’s the Latest From CMD

CMD’s Arn Pearson teamed up with Duke professor and CMD board member Nancy MacLean to sound the alarm about the ambitious campaign by ALEC and the far right to radically rewrite the U.S. Constitution and lock in their political control once and for all.

You can read the full scoop, which was first published by The Progressive, here.

In addition, CMD covered ALEC’s most recent policy summit held in Scottsdale, Arizona: ALEC prioritized its push for an Article V constitutional convention early in the opening session with multiple speakers pushing a radical strategy to force Congress to call a convention to rewrite our nation’s founding document. You can read the full story here.


This year marks CMD’s 30th anniversary! We could not have succeeded in exposing corruption and disinformation for three decades without the loyal support of people like you. Thank you!

Make your tax-deductible donation today!


Bradley Funneled $86 Mil to Right-Wing Groups in 2022

The Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation and its “aligned” donor advised fund funneled a total of $86.4 million to right-wing litigation outlets, national and state policy groups, media outlets, youth groups, and higher education in 2022. You can read the full story here.

ALEC's #50YearsofHarm

When ALEC held its ritzy 50th Anniversary Gala at Washington DC’s National Portrait Gallery in October, a broad coalition of civil rights, environmental, labor, and government reform groups held a protest to draw attention to the right-wing pay-to-play group’s #50YearsofHarm. You can now view footage from the protest on YouTube.


CMD in the News

Our research has recently been cited by or featured in the following publications:

  • Daily Beast: “Koch Heiress’ Project Gets $60M Tax-Free From Family Network”
  • Thom Hartmann/Daily Kos: “The Secret GOP Plot to Change our Constitution Slithers Forward”
  • Common Dreams: “What Harm Did ALEC Plot at Its 2nd Big 2023 Summit?”
  • The Guardian: “Revealed: More Than 160 Representatives with Climate-Denying Track Records Got COP28 Access” 
  • Common Dreams: “Who Are These Nice People Who Want Me to Get a Raise?”

That’s all for this week. Thank you for following our investigations and for your continued support! We wish you the best this holiday season!

Team CMD


CMD is a 501(c)(3) national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work is regularly cited by news outlets, policymakers, and grassroots activists working to build a more sustainable future and just society. CMD is reader-supported. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

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Center for Media and Democracy
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