Should Liz Cheney serve in President Biden’s cabinet?

Joe Biden / Liz Cheney
YES >>
NO >>
>> Response needed by 11:59 PM tonight <<

Liz Cheney lost her seat in Congress to a MAGA‑maniac because she stood up to Trump and vowed to hold him accountable for his crimes.

Liz Cheney: I have said since January 6th  I will do whatever it takes to prevent Trump from ever again getting anywhere near the Oval Office - and I mean it.

But President Biden could appoint Liz Cheney to his administration so her work holding Trump and his allies accountable can continue!

So Friend, we are coming to our TOP supporters to see if Democrats want President Biden to appoint Liz Cheney to his cabinet to prevent another Trump takeover. 
Click here to begin your poll >>> 

Should Liz Cheney serve in President Biden’s cabinet?

YES >>
NO >>

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Democratic Victory Project Data Team

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Denver, CO 80123

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