Join me in supporting the NYIC with a 100% tax-deductible year-end gift today!
Hi John,
When I joined the board of the New York Immigration Coalition in 2017, I was inspired not only by my own parents’ experiences as New Americans, but by the generations of families that have enriched our state by making New York their home. I was also inspired by the New Yorkers who have embraced those newcomers, made space at their tables, and fought for equality at every turn. In short, I was inspired by community members and supporters like you.
If you are receiving this message, it is because at one moment or another, you chose to stand on the side of justice - you chose to support our work. As a supporter of social movements, you’ve probably heard non-profit organizations say that “every gift counts.” It’s more than a platitude – it’s true! Your support matters immensely, and no gift is too small.
Why Your Support Matters
Every donation represents an additional supporter of our movement. The NYIC is fighting for immigrant justice, and every voice matters.
Gifts from grassroots donors are flexible. As a statewide, membership-based organization, the NYIC is ready to direct the funds to where they’re needed most.
Small, recurring donations make our work more sustainable. The NYIC is in it for the long haul, but can’t do it alone!
As the Executive Director of an NYIC Member Organization, I have seen firsthand how the NYIC has adapted to every new challenge that they have faced. By continuously listening to communities on the ground, they are always ready to meet the needs of the moment while never losing sight of the broader fight for immigrant justice. Will you join me in supporting the NYIC with a gift today?
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous and hopeful holiday season.
Seasons Greetings,
Carola Otero Bracco
Executive Director, Neighbors Link
NYIC Board Chair
P.S. If you prefer, you can also arrange a gift by reaching out to Indira Martinez at [email protected].