I joined in conversation with our panelists and experts in their field to provide the Islamic narrative on Jerusalem and Palestine.
Munir Shaikh of Bayan Islamic Graduate School delivered a presentation about the early Islamic history of Jerusalem and Palestine. Taking to the podium, Fayez Hammad, Ph.D, of University of Southern California delved into the history of Ottoman Palestine and the religious coexistence that prospered under Islamic rule. Dr. Eba Hathout, MD, of Harvard Medical School and President of the Hassan Hathout Foundation delivered a moving account of her father, Dr. Hassan Hathout’s commitment to his faith principles as documented in his memoirs during the time he spent away from his studies volunteering his time providing medical care to the people of Palestine.
Dr. Laila Al-Marayati, MD, President of Kinder USA and former member of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, reflected on her harrowing journey as part of the delegation to Jerusalem in 2001, sharing excerpts from her dissent that was included in the 2001 Annual Report to the State Department after the Commission did not reach a consensus on a statement regarding Israel and the Occupied Territories.
Also presented was a short film with historical footage documenting the timeline of events that occurred during the 20th century that led to the realities of this current moment and a video of former U.S. President Harry Truman discussing the creation of Israel.
“There are many who believe and fight for a better humanity. A humanity that allows people to feel the pain of others, whether or not they agree with their ideologies. A humanity that yearns to protect the lives of innocent children, women and men, regardless of the color of their flag. Once again we extend our hands and open our hearts to all who are willing to work for a just peace. To endure the uncomfortable conversations. To resist mountains of hatred. And to make a difference wherever we can.” – Dr. Eba Hathout, MD