Hey Friend,

Independent Women’s Law Center (IWLC) is litigating what one Fox News host calls “one of the most important cases in our justice system right now.” 

We are representing six brave women in Kappa Kappa Gamma’s Wyoming chapter who are seeking the female-only space promised to them. These women were forced to initiate a biological male, who proceeded to ask them invasive and sexual questions and create an uncomfortable environment. 

Earlier this month, IWLC filed its opening brief before the federal appellate court. The brief argues that Kappa bylaws require that a new member “shall be a woman.” When Kappa forced the local chapter to admit a biological male, it unquestionably violated this bylaw. 

Kappa will try to argue that “woman” lacks any meaning. That is the danger we are fighting across the nation. We all know that women exist. But it will take our dedicated effort to maintain the protections generations of women have fought for.  
Independent Women’s Law Center is leading this fight for women.

In the Kappa case, we:
  • Secured a broad-based coalition of supporters, from liberal feminist groups to civil rights litigators. 
  • Appeared on Fox News, NewsMax, Megyn Kelly’s podcast, and Newsweek, and so much more. 
Our daughters and granddaughters deserve at least the protections the women before them have received.  

In 2024, IWLC will file its final brief in the case and then argue before the appellate court in Denver. 

Will you help support us with a year-end tax-deductible donation of $10, $25, $50, $100, or more in these efforts to stand with women? Thanks to the generosity of a donor, your gift will be MATCHED dollar-for-dollar — meaning your investment will be DOUBLED.

We will keep you posted as we continue to gain momentum.  

We agree with Harris Faulkner. This case could not be more important. Women have come too far just to have elitists shred women’s rights by re-defining women.  

No more dudes in sororities!

Lastly Friend, I want to thank you for supporting us throughout the past year. We couldn’t do it without you. And we are thankful for your continued support.

May Mailman
Senior Legal Fellow
Independent Women’s Law Center

P.S. Don’t forget: Your donation is tax deductible and matched. So it’s an added bonus to donating to Independent Women's Forum and Independent Women's Law Center before the end of the year. https://www.iwf.org/invest-standwithwomen