No images? Click here Caucus Room Members Caucus Room History Caucus Room will be implementing a “Factory Reset” January 1, 2024 Want to Win again? When Caucus Room was formed in 2019 it was envisioned as a virtual meeting place for conservatives to gather with their conservative neighbors to discuss issues and organize solutions without the threat of retaliation or cancelling as had been demonstrated by other virtual gathering places. Conservatives felt ignored, isolated and without support. It was created for those who wanted to promote conservative ideals and principles in the political realm. When Covid became a real threat during the 2020 election cycle, Caucus Room pivoted to support the right of assembly and became the virtual assembly site for multiple local, county and state nominating conventions. In 2023, as in-person assemblies have returned, Caucus Room is returning to its original purpose: a local gathering place for conservatives to meet together with their neighbors virtually. It is a place where those who want to accomplish something can safely gather with those around them who want to work together. As I imagine what we face in winning elections and moving societal norms, I think about a large football stadium holding 100,000 fans looking down on the players waging hard-charging, head banging gridiron combat to move a little leather ball a few yards at a time. Most conservatives sit in the stands and root for their team. The opponent is satisfied to move the ball a few yards at a time with a mix of running plays and short passes. We wait for a long bomb pass to win the game in a close contest between opposing philosophies. When the pass doesn’t work, we complain about the quarterback, or the coach, or the referees, or whatever, and we go home unhappy. What we really need are more skilled lineman, better plays and a winning strategy - Things we can supply. But there have not been enough of us willing to put in the time, resources and effort to do what it takes to change the outcome of the game. We prefer to watch, and then complain if we lose. Caucus Room is for the 10% of us who believe each generation must re-win liberty for the next generation. It is easy to forget that only a minority of Americans wanted to leave Great Britain in 1776, or that Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, won with less than 40% of the popular vote in 1860. Trump lost the 2020 election because of voter swings in only a handful of counties in a handful of states, just like he won in 2016 by only a handful of counties in a handful of states. Caucus Room is simply a tool for those who want to win again, county by county. We will find out in January whether those who want to put in the effort and resources required to win on the field value Caucus Room as part of their effort. This tool is designed for those on the field. Losing teams struggle keeping fans. But winning is contagious! Merry Christmas! John Coors Manager, Caucus Room LLC