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Hi Reader,

Today, we published the latest in our investigative series about judiciary ethics. Interviews and newly unearthed documents reveal that, around the year 2000, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, facing financial strain, privately pushed for a higher salary and for Congress to lift the ban on Supreme Court justices taking speaking fees. In a conversation with a Republican member of Congress, Thomas said that if lawmakers didn’t act, “one or more justices will leave soon.” This is around the time that Thomas was developing relationships with wealthy benefactors who’ve been lavishing gifts on the justice and his family for the last few decades. Thomas did not respond to ProPublica’s questions for today’s story.

ProPublica has been reporting on this all year long. And while our journalism has spurred some impact, such as SCOTUS adopting its first ethics code, we’re not finished. Our journalists have the freedom and the resources to follow stories like this one because we’re reader-supported. Tens of thousands of readers donate to ProPublica each year to ensure that we continue to have the ability to keep at this for as long as it takes. Join us today with your donation of any amount. Your year-end gift will ensure we can keep digging into the actions of the powerful, no matter how difficult or time-consuming they make it.


Ragan Rhyne
Senior Vice President, Development
Proud ProPublican

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