Buffer zones: make your feelings heard
Dear SPUC supporter
URGENT ACTION REQUIRED WITH LESS THAN 48 HOURS TO GO: Scotland Buffer Zones Consultation Deadline: 20th December
The Health, Social Care and Sport Committee in Holyrood is seeking views on Gillian Mackay MSP’s Bill to introduce buffer zones around abortion facilities in Scotland.
I realise that we have already asked you to take many actions to combat buffer zones in Scotland – this is the second consultation on this particular Bill! However, this consultation is very important because the Committee will decide whether the Bill should be taken forward or not.
That being the case, we need as many people to respond to the consultation as possible. We need to make it clear to MSPs how unworkable (and unethical) it is to ban people peacefully praying and offering help to women. To help you to do this, we have produced a guide, which gives suggestions about answering the questions.
Consultation Guide ([link removed])
The consultation closes in less than two days' time on 20^th December. Please fill it in as soon as you can, and encourage others to do so.
Consultation ([link removed])
Please act now to fight this bill. The fact that the Scottish Government keeps running consultation exercises shows how worried they are about it. And they have good reason to be. In England, despite MPs voting for buffer zones over a year ago, the policy has still not been brought into force, and the Government are carrying out a consultation on how to police it – a very unusual move.
There is still time to stop this in Scotland. Please act now to stop Holyrood criminalising compassion.
With best wishes,
Michael Robinson
Executive Director (Public Affairs and Legal Services)
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