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Unleash Prosperity Hotline
Issue #918
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1) Why Is Homelessness Surging in Blue-States and Cities?

We’ve written multiple times about the mass migration of people, money, and capital from blue-state to red-state America. It’s the biggest story shaping America – and one that the left sweeps under the rug – for obvious reasons. 

But, hark: there is one group of Americans that is relocating en masse to blue states. It’s the homeless population. 

HUD has released its 2023 homeless estimates and found that 653,000 people experienced homelessness earlier this year, up 12 percent from last year and the highest number since the current homeless count method began in 2007. (This is almost certainly an underestimate as a large percentage of homeless are never counted.) Blacks and Latinos make up 70 percent of homeless Americans.

Why are they disproportionately located in blue areas? 

It would be reasonable to think that homelessness is a bigger problem in warmer states, than those with freezing temperatures at night in the winter, but then why has Florida’s homeless population fallen by 40% while California’s has expanded by that amount? There are more homeless in Los Angeles County than in Florida and Texas combined.

More than half the people experiencing homelessness in the country were in four states: California, New York, Florida, and Washington, with 28% of the nation’s homeless in California alone. New York’s homelessness went up more than three times the national rate.

We’re not here to minimize the tragic plight of the homeless. There, but for the grace of God, goes you and me.  

We should have smart programs that ensure that few Americans aren’t sleeping in the streets, and have access to clean and safe shelters so they can regain economic self-sufficiency. 

In the blue states, the goal seems just the opposite. “In 2016,” the Discovery Institute reports, “California enacted a law that required that every state dollar spent on homelessness be spent on Housing First programs” and that the shelters cannot require anything in return from participants, such as having them stop taking drugs or that the mentally ill take their medications, or that the unemployed fill vacant jobs. At the federal level, those receiving free housing dollars cannot be compelled to search for work, receive job training, or even obey the law.

Is it any wonder that the squalor and despair of homelessness is spreading in the most “progressive” areas? As with almost everything the left touches, the results are REGRESSIVE, not progressive. 
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2) Bye, Bye Biden?

We don’t normally cover public opinion polls, which are often imperfect snapshots of a constantly shifting electorate. But the recent collapse in President Biden’s approval ratings is astonishing – he is now well below what Donald Trump’s approval rating was at this point in the 2020 campaign.

A new Pew Research poll with a massive sample of 5,203 adults finds that just 33 percent of Americans approve of President Biden’s handling of his job, while 64% disapprove. That’s down five percentage points since January of this year. 

We were surprised that even though the economy has gotten better over the last year, on economic issues, Bidenomics isn’t selling. The percentage of respondents who have confidence that Biden “makes good decisions about economic policy” plummeted from 56% at the start of his presidency down to just 36% now.

The share who approve of Biden’s performance is down 5 percentage points since January 2023.  What’s more troubling for Biden is that only 61% of Democrats approve of his job performance, a stunning nine-point drop since January. 

This is why we think the Democratic politburo will dump Biden over the side of the ship this coming Spring or Summer and handpick someone else. We hope they don't. 
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3) Now THIS Will Stop Global Warming

This headline caught our attention from last week:

The accounting Big Four powerhouse has signed on to Net Zero lunacy and to stay on target PWC’s bean counters have determined that flying business or first class takes up more space and thus contributes to climate change. We’re not sure we get the logic here, but these are allegedly smart people when it comes to math, so we will take their word for it.

Just the same, we can’t help wondering if this is just a virtue signal PR gambit measure and PwC just trying to save money on travel costs. We hope they get stuck in the middle seats. 

This is part of an emerging crusade that you will be hearing more about in the months to come to limit airline travel – particularly overseas flights – in order to save the planet. That’s a fairly ironic endgame – the one-world government globalists don’t want people traveling around the globe. 

In a very short time, international air travel will be limited only to people attending global climate change conferences. 
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4) New Study Shows Media Bias Is Worse than Ever
We’ve reported on the incredible shrinking trust that Americans have in major media sources, and a new study by The Economist Magazine helps explain why. The slant to the left in bias has gotten steadily worse. (This is ironic because The Economist itself has swayed to the wacko left – especially on climate change.)   

The Economist examined floor speeches by Democrats and Republicans in Congress from 2009 to 2022. It found 428 phrases that reliably distinguish Democratic and GOP speeches, such as “unborn baby” versus “reproductive care” or “illegal alien” versus “undocumented immigrant.”

It then examined hundreds of thousands of news broadcasts, websites, and news stories, by the 26 most popular news sources and counted the times the stories adopted the terminology of the left, not the right. 

It found that a Democratic slant has grown since Donald Trump took office in 2017, driven by big shifts at CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, and Washington Post. Fox News, by contrast, has become more centrist since early 2021.

Is it any wonder that public trust in American media has plummeted as more and more people seek out alternative sources of information? Like, dare we say, the HOTLINE?
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5) AOC Takes Down Jerome Powell on the Sophistry of the Phillips Curve
No, your eyes are not deceiving you.

After we published our HOTLINE item on the craziness of the Fed’s continuing devotion to the illogic of the Phillips Curve – the theory that to cut inflation you have to put more Americans in unemployment lines and slow economic activity – a reader sent us this video of none other than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a member of the notorious “Squad.” 

We’ve had many run-ins with AOC, but we almost fell off our chairs when we watched her 2019 interchange with Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. It was a masterful TKO of the Fed’s flawed economic model and their allergic reaction to jobs and growth. We may strongly disagree with AOC and her tribe about HOW to create prosperity, but it’s a small victory they at least WANT growth and jobs and prosperity – as we do.
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6) Sowell Nails It on Artificial Stupidity

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