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Baseline Evaluation for Irene M. Staehelin Foundation (IMS)

Budget: R300 000
Closing Date: 24 January 2024

Project Overview

Sonke is a South African-based non-profit organisation working throughout Africa. We believe women and men, girls and boys can work together to resist patriarchy, advocate for gender justice, and achieve gender transformation. With support from The Iren M. Staehelin Foundation (IMS) Advancement of Human Rights-based GBV and AIDS Equitable Services. Sonke Gender Justice: The prevention of Gender-based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) and the spread of HIV will be implemented in the Western Cape and Northern Cape South Africa.

The overall project goal is to contribute to the realisation of human rights, gender equality and health equity in the response and prevention of Gender Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF), and the spread of HIV and AIDS. The project aims to build empowered local communities that actively address social issues that directly or indirectly affect them within the Northern Cape and Western Cape provinces in South Africa.

Purpose of this Consultancy 

The main purpose of the consultancy is to provide a benchmark from which to measure the progress of this phase of the programme through an in-depth situation analysis and assessment of GBV and gender inequality in the project areas. The baseline aims to get preliminary information related to GBV knowledge, community mobilization, government accountability and CBO networks in the implementing district, collecting and analyzing pre-intervention data related to the project performance questions and indicators. Baseline data will be used to sharpen project indicators and will facilitate monitoring of progress towards meeting project objectives during and at the end of implementation.

The objective of the baseline evaluation is to:

  • Gather in-depth information on HIV/AIDS, GBVF and gender inequality in Francis Baart district.
  • Gather relevant baseline data for the development of key project indicators to depict the actual situation in the project areas; and to create a benchmark for evaluating the project measuring results and impact throughout and at the end of the project period. 
  • Review and update the assumptions in the project’s Theory of Change (ToC) 
  • Identify any potential challenges or barriers to success that may need to be addressed before implementing the program or intervention.
  • Review project indicators based on the main outcomes of the baseline study.
  • Set baseline targets for the project across key areas in the Francis Baart district.
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