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Monday, December 18th, 2023


The Plot To Use Illegal Immigrants To Destroy Our Freedom

Lew Rockwell

Misery on the Nile

Eric S. Margolis

What Happened? The Disappearing of Heinous Events as Agenda Building Continues

Gary D. Barnett

Yet Another Flawed ‘Fact Check’ on the NZ Data

Steve Kirsch

Big Ag, Big Pharma Are Going Down

Elizabeth Nickson

4th Generation Devastation: The West Has Been Targeted in a Cowardly Globalist Mind War

Brandon Smith

Free Speech at Last!

Taki Theodoracopulos

Are Self-Amplifying mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Next-Generation Bioweapons?

Mac Slavo

Out-of-Control Israeli Regime Killing Own People… Well, Why Not?

Finian Cunningham

School Religious Exemption Appeal Filed With U.S. Supreme Court

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

The Structure—Or Lack Thereof—of India

Jayant Bhandari

Israel’s ‘Final Solution’ for the Palestinians Did Not Start in 2023

Peter Koenig

Political Theatre

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